Thank you. You’ve given me so much. You allow me to learn, evolve and release through your time, space and dedication. You have stood by my side through so much over the past four years. It’s an honour to feel that you embrace all that I share with open arms and a kind smile.
Your shared experiences have taken me down roads of discovery I never would have been lucky enough to discover without you. It has allowed me to connect with my body through your experiences. You’ve taught me to hold the most open space because people intuitively know how to move based on their experience.
You make Sam Turner Yoga what it is. You are the origin to many of my discoveries. My greatest example of this is how I stumbled upon Yoga Nidra. I only wanted to get better at holding space for relaxation at the end of class. Look at me now… My love for Yoga Nidra runs deep but I never in a thousand years believed that was on the cards.
This post of appreciation was born on the drive home from class. These past seven weeks have been insanely busy, in all the right ways. Yes, I am tired. No, I would not change that. My outlook is ever changing as I learn more about myself through yoga. My biggest revelation was spending my energy where I wanted to rather than where I felt obliged to. This has results in some of my best experience in class. You have helped me tap into deep well of joy.
I have next week off to attend a yoga teacher training course. I know I am going to learn a wealth of information that I can share in our classes. I have been excited since the day I booked it. It was actually one of you that helped me decide that’s the right course to take because you said my face lit up when I spoke about it.
To be honest, a lot of people tell me my face illuminates when I talk about yoga. You, and the practice, inspire me so much. I promise to continue serving you to the best of my ability. I’m constantly delighted to be tinkering in the background, whether that’s with class planning or all the other behind the scenes tasks. Please keep your feedback coming because it means so much.
See you soon